Write Access
PHP 5.6.40
Configuration:Missing PHP extension: PHAR
LiveZilla requires the PHP extension PHAR to be installed and enabled. Please add the PHAR extension to your PHP configuration (php.ini).

Missing PHP extension: mbstring
LiveZilla requires the PHP extension mbstring to parse incoming emails. Please add the mbstring package to your PHP configuration (php.ini).

Missing PHP extension: GD Image. LiveZilla requires the PHP extension GD Image to create dynamic graphics. Please add the GD package to your PHP configuration (php.ini).

Can't connect (CURL) to push server https://ssl.livezilla.info/ on Port 443. Blocked by firewall or missing Open SSL package (extension=php_openssl.dll). Outgoing connection to push server is required in order to send PUSH Messages to APPs.

File Uploadspost_max_size: 80M
upload_max_filesize: 20M
Want to use one of our APPS?
This is your Server URL to connect to:

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LiveZilla is a registered trademark of LiveZilla GmbH


Server Time: 2025-02-12T11:49:10-02:00 () | Server Scheme: HTTP | Filters: 0 / 0